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⇒ [PDF] Bully J F Gonzalez Books

Bully J F Gonzalez Books

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When the murder investigation of eleven-year old Raul Valesquez is re-opened after the conviction of his alleged killer is overturned, Danny Hernandez contacts a long-lost neighborhood friend. Twenty-eight years ago, Danny and Jerry Valdez were teenagers when Raul Valesquez was killed. Raul was once the neighborhood bully. Danny is afraid of what the police might find in this new investigation. When one of the detectives on the case turns out to be an old high school friend of Danny’s, the case takes an unexpected twist into police and government corruption. A coming-of-age thriller, Bully touches on the themes of friendship, loyalty, and revenge. This reboot of what many readers have long thought to be one of J. F. Gonzalez's strongest novels is also the author's Preferred and Corrected version.

Bully J F Gonzalez Books

If you don't know who JF Gonzalez is then you are really missing out. He is a fantastic author, and this book is just one example of that. Set in LA, Gonzalez weaves a wonderful story that will having you racing to the end wondering who did it, and more importantly why and what are the consequences going to be. The reading is fast paced and gritty.

Product details

  • Paperback 324 pages
  • Publisher Midnight Library; 3rd Edition edition (March 22, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0983026599

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Tags : Bully (9780983026594): J. F. Gonzalez: Books,J. F. Gonzalez,Bully,Midnight Library,0983026599,Fiction - Espionage Thriller,Fiction Thrillers General,Fiction : Horror - General,Horror - General,Thrillers - General
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Bully J F Gonzalez Books Reviews

In the mid 1970's, Danny Hernandez and Jerry Valdez were suburban teenagers spending their summer vacation skateboarding, going to the beach, movies, etc. Like many kids, they are faced with the threat of a bully in the neighborhood. In this case, the bully is eleven year old Raul Valesquez, who comes from an extremely dysfunctional home. Raul is the kind of kid you love to hate, he's that nasty. He also may or may not be responsible for the murders of several younger kids in the neighborhood, murders that have so far gone unsolved.

When Raul is found murdered himself miles away from home it touches off an investigation that eventually leads to the arrest and conviction of a young man in his twenties. Danny and Jerry eventually grow up and grow apart...but what they witnessed and experienced forever scar them.

The novel actually opens up in the present, when Danny and Jerry are adults. Both men are obviously affected by what they went through, and what brings them together again is the re-opening of Raul's murder. The man who was convicted had his conviction overturned. Now there is a new investigation, and Danny is nervous. But nervous about what?

I won't say more because I don't want to spoil this, but Bully is a fantastic read that tackles the theme of friendship, loyalty, revenge, and it offers a unique glimpse into life in the 1970's as a teenager (of which I was one). Like a previous novel, Survivor, Bully deals with human monsters but it's handled in a more subtle way. It's more heart-breaking than anything, yet there is suspense galore that keeps you turning the pages. A completely different novel, one that is definitely more mature. Highly recommended!
Bully is a fairly predictable tale revolving around the release of a convicted child murderer by a group of students who proved he didn't do the crime. For many including those who were also children in the 70s when 11 year old Raul was killed, the boy's murder was something that actually brought relief to them and less fear rather than the usual more. You see Raul was a psychopath who didn't hesitate to torment and bring violence against other kids including teens a lot older than himself. Many kids believed his boasts that he had murdered families and other stuff he'd got up to and took his threats seriously. So no one really shed a tear for Raul. There were a lot of secrets going on in the Californian suburb the year Raul was murdered and now that the supposed killer didn't do it, there's a big possibility those secrets will come out . Can't really say much more without giving away the plot but to say it's a bit of a coming of age story in the flashback chapters. I wasn't alive back then but if you were there's a fair bit of the 70s skating scene as you follow Danny, Jerry and Bobby as they discover empty pools, drainage pipes and other places to try and emulate their skateboarding heroes, so it paints a nice picture of what life was like back then for kids and teens.

Like a lot of Gonzalez's other work, this one does ramble on a bit at times which is nice for the nostalgic 70's scenes but drags a bit in the modern day lives of the grown up boys, as well as through the current day police events. But that's Gonzalez's style, you know that going in. There's also a fair few characters, sometimes your wondering who some were and have to keep reading until you work out which former events they were associated with, but overall Bully is definitely a worthwhile read.
This book is heartbreaking and def a page turner you find yourself hating the bully but at the same time feeling sorry for him knowing the abuse he endured by his mother's lifestyle as a drug addicted hooker who was so out of it to stop any of the abuse he and his friends were put through by the people who were supposed to protect and serve {kind of reminded me of the movie SLeepers}& hid behind religion & power supposedly upstanding people though this story mostly focuses on after the bully's murder years later when the case is reopened & is mostly on the cover up of corruption it's a must read & re read
This is Gonzalez at his absolute best. Very few have the storytelling abiliys that he does. Have been a fan since i read the first clickers
It was a great read, but I can't say it was the scary, horror type book I was looking for at the time.
Ugh! Soooo good. I read it weeks ago and im still bringing it up in everyday conversation.
This book wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it was great all the same. I was sucked into the story from the beginning.
If you don't know who JF Gonzalez is then you are really missing out. He is a fantastic author, and this book is just one example of that. Set in LA, Gonzalez weaves a wonderful story that will having you racing to the end wondering who did it, and more importantly why and what are the consequences going to be. The reading is fast paced and gritty.
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